Grand Marais – Spray Falls Hike and Kayaking Pictured Rocks

Grand Marais Michigan and Pictured Rock National Lakeshore


After 3 nights in the Les Cheneaux Islands we moved on to Grand Marais, Michigan. The weather actually worked in our favor for ounce. It rained while we were packing up and driving and then by the time we arrived at Grand Marais it stopped and that was the only rain for the rest of the week.


When we arrived at Woodland Park in Grand Marais we were surprised to find only about 5 open sites. We found site 110 and it was actually one of the better sites. It is on a bend in the road and is perpendicular to the sites in the next row so our camper blocked us from the neighbors. In front of the site was a big open grassy area for the drain field and on the other side of this was the bathhouse.


We had to setup our screen tent on a tarp so Reid would have a place to crawl around and play.


Our first morning was cloudy so we decided to do a waterfall hike. We drove to Munising and hiked to Olson Falls in the Twin Falls Nature Preserve.  It is an easy horseshoe hike of less than a mile into an interesting sandstone canyon that started and ended on H-58. Reid was ready for lunch so we didn’t make it to Memorial Falls, the other of the twin falls.


Another shot of Olson Falls. Cloudy days are the best for photographing waterfalls.


Hey get your big head out of the way so I can see the waterfall.


For dinner we walked over to Lake Superior Brewing Company for a whitefish sandwich. This is still one of our favorite little up north restaurants. We were back again later in the week for their pizza.


By evening the sun was out so we went down to the beach at the campground to collect rocks.


The rest of the week was almost perfect weather. It was sunny and Lake Superior was even warm enough to comfortably swim in it. We didn’t get to do too much relaxing on the beach because Reid would no longer stay on his towel under the umbrella.


Looking towards the Grand Marais harbor from the beach at the Woodland Park Campgrounds.


Swimming and looking for rocks at the Woodland Park beach. You need to wear your sandals when swimming because of all the rocks in the water. It also gets deep very quickly here so we made the girls wear their life jackets.


Sunset at the beach in Grand Marais.


Nothing better than Jiffy pop by the campfire.

Spray Falls Hike – Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore


Getting up early for a hike to Spray Falls. It is about a 4 mile hike from the Beaver Lake Trailhead to the Spray Falls overlook.


The coves area along the Lakeshore Trail on the way to Spray Falls. This section of the Lakeshore Trail is a little more hilly than other parts of this trail.


Orange lichen on the low rocks in the coves area along the Lakeshore Trail.


Spray Falls with the morning sun hitting Grand Portal Point on the horizon.


Sunrise over the Grand Marais harbor. Reid and Dad spent most mornings pushing the stroller around town until everyone else woke up for breakfast.


On Friday we decided to drive back towards Munising and the Pictured Rocks cliffs area. Our first stop was for a picnic lunch at the Miners Castle overlook.


After lunch Mom and Dad took turns entertaining the kids on Miners Beach while the other paddled along the Pictured Rocks cliffs. The dark line on the sloped cliff on right is Bridal Veil Falls. In August it is only a small stream trickling down the rock. We actually had 3 days in a row where Lake Superior was flat and water was warm. Perfect paddling conditions.


This is one of the more colorful spots while kayaking between Miners Beach and Mosquito Beach.


On the way back there was a group of about 30 people on a guided sea kayak tour. The 16 foot kayaks at the base give a good perspective of the size of the Pictured Rocks cliffs.


A shallow sea cave beneath Bridal Veil Falls


Looking back at the cliffs while heading back to Miners Beach. The color of the water up here is incredible.


Mom heading out for her turn in the kayak.


The mouth of Miners River at Miners Beach.


A self portrait with Miners Castle in the background.


Miners Castle from the kayak.


Paddling along the cliffs between Miners Beach and Munising.


We spent most of our last day relaxing on the beach in Grand Marais. Later in the afternoon we paddled our tandem kayak from the campgrounds up to where the Sable River empties into Lake Superior. It was another perfectly flat day on the lake with no breeze.


From the mouth of the river it is just a short walk up the trail to Sable Falls.


The Sable Falls.


On our last evening we went to the Log Slide Overlook of the Grand Sable Dunes.


Morning on top of the bluff in the campgrounds.


Reid on our last early morning stroller ride around Grand Marais. After everyone else woke up we ate breakfast and hooked up the camper and made the long drive home.

– The End-



Our Favorites:

Kelty Child Frame Carrier

If you are going to be outside hiking with children under 3 years old a good backpack carrier is a must. We started with a cheap off brand carrier, but quickly realized we needed to upgrade to the Kelty. The adjustable hip belt on the Kelty was the only one we found that was long enough for taller people. The integrated sun shade and side screen also helps keep the bugs off your little hiker.

Search for Kelty Child Carriers on Amazon >>

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